Katie and I spent the 23rd and 24th at my mom and dad's in McFarland. We decorated some Christmas cookies and ate really good food.
Christmas Eve we left for Cedarburg to see the Robertson side. Sorin was as big of a hit there as he was in McFarland. It's a lot of fun to have Sorin be so warmly welcomed. And he's changing every day. New expressions and new gestures - he's grabbing objects better now.
For me, it's fun to have new experiences with Katie. Getting Sorin ready is in a nice way very meaningful - it's our family now! Our discussions are different, our days are different. But it's all so good.
Christmas this year has been interesting b/c of our focus on the Advent Conspiracy (see Oct. 26th post). Blackhawk took an offering last week for AC in which the money went to three organizations for global, missional causes. We gathered $140,000!!!
And now the day is winding down. I know it's supposed to be a Christmas season, but it always ends around 7pm Christmas day. Kind of sad.
But we're still with family and I'm still thinking about Jesus coming to Earth - Christmas Spirit.