I haven't written about our pregnancy on the Game Plan b/c I had a couple other (out of town) people to tell personally. It's kind of a long story which I can't (and won't) get into. But now it's officially on the blog - we're having a baby, due date August 28.
To all my readers (if there's any besides my 2 moms, let me know), you can keep updated on our progress here, at the Game Plan. This has proven to be a very reflective time for Katie and me. Discussions are different. Planning is ambiguous. But the excitement is high. It's been amazing to see Katie's belly grow with the development of our child.
Seeing our baby for the first time on the ultrasound is a moment I'll never forget. It practically took my breathe away, and it felt like time stopped for 2 seconds.
Calling it a child or baby has been our way of conversation for the last 4 months. Well that changed today! We had our 20-week ultrasound today at 3:15. After 18 weeks it's usually possible to see if it's a boy or a girl.
In the room, the sonographer was going through all these measurements of our baby, similar to the last couple ultrasounds. She measured the head (5cm diameter, 17cm circumference), arms, spine, internal organs. One of the most amazing shots was the 4 chambers of the heart. The heartbeat was 150. She said she had to chase the baby a lot - very active. Then she said, "And that's a boy not afraid to tell everyone he's a boy." There it is - we're having a baby boy!!! !!!
!!! !!! !!! !!! !!!
I can't write without a smile on my face! I'm so excited to see what's next. Now I don't want to wait. Sitting here, I just want to get to the first week in September and hold him.
So stay tuned for pictures and stories. Who knows... maybe Baby Boy will get his own blog. But until then, he'll have to be the star of dad's blog.