Monday, October 18, 2010

Game Plan Launch - the New Home

I know that not many of my readers used TwitterThis post is NOT about Twitter so keep reading.  But the micro-blogging platform has opened my eyes to a whole new world of people, relationship, conversations and information.  It's also forced me to develop my writing here at the Game Plan.

To that end, I'm launching a new project today.  Here's the premise: I want to take my blogging to the next level and create a more professional platform for myself, both personally and professionally.  I have learned a lot on Blogger, starting a total of four blogs and consulting for two others.  I have been challenged by some very successful people to take the Game Plan and make it a more suitable "home base" for everything I do online. 

The goal is to be more professional.  But the process is one that could take months, even years to develop.  And that's not the point.  The point is to get out there and allow it to grow.  I continually coach clients to start small, establish consistency and build a new lifestyle for themselves.  So I need to practice what I preach.  There will never be a good time to launch this new project because I'll always want to make a few more adjustments.  I simply need to jump in and make my adjustments as I go. 

Since this is a soft launch, I'm going to skip the disclaimers.  There's a lot more work on my end to make this project more complete, but the location and structure has been set.  I'll fill in the pieces as I go. 

So let's Go!  My new home is  I hope you'll join us.

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